Latest reports from the tinsel town confirmed that Deepika Padukone and Sonam Kapoor will not be joining Ranbir Kapoor in his July 2011 world tour. While actresses like Katrina Kaif, Priyanka Chopra, Bipasha Basu and Malaika Arora Khan will be a part of the tour, Deepika and Sonam have been asked to quit.
It may be recalled that Rishi is upset with the two actresses for making rude remarks on his son's character in 'Koffee With Karan Season 3' and he prefers Katrina over Deepika and Sonam. Rishi Kapoor admitted that it is impossible to bring Deepika-Katrina on board together saying, "Deepika wanted to come along. We didn't want any stress behind the stage. See, as it is, Ranbir has never been on stage. We want it to go smoothly, no backstage jhik-jhik, please.
Sonam has backed out from the tour as well. Rishi Kapoor explained, "She begged off saying she didn't have a song repertoire to stand on stage with Katrina and Priyanka." "We start off in the UK, US and Canada. Then after six months we'll go for another lap of the tour. I've done these world tours over and over again. But for Ranbir, the world tour would be a new experience," he added.
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