The video featuring Reshma's famous song "Hath Jorian" has been directed by Sohail Javed. Javed chose "Hath Jorian" over other hits like "Lambi Judai", "Dama Dam Mast Kalandar" and "Hai O Rabba Nahion Lagda Dil Mera" because Reshma had composed this song. The video was shot at Noor Mahal in Bahawalpur in Punjab province. Pakistani model Zaria features in the video. Shots of Reshma, who has not been keeping well, are interspersed throughout the video.
Javed described his experience of shooting the video with Reshma as "surreal". "We were told that she would not talk to us but she’s very sweet. She didn't know what we were doing and we tried to explain to her that we were shooting a music video," Javed told Instep magazine.
"I mean we knew that she wouldn't be a diva but she was just incredibly sweet. She thought we were from India and said to us, 'Tell (Bollywood star) Dharmendra he's my brother, I miss him too'. The stories she told...she was more like a mother. It was a lesson. She’s not media-savvy but she’s very kind and soft," Javed recalled fondly.
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