Scores of fans thronged Tamil superstar Rajnikanth's residence to wish him on his 61st birthday here on Sunday. As Rajnikanth was not present at his residence, his wife Lata Rajnikanth welcomed all the well-wishers who came loaded with gifts for the superstar. "He feels very humble, he feels more committed. He feels more overwhelmed by the love and affection shown. In fact, it makes him feel what more, what next, you know much how much he has to give back," said Lata.

She said the actor usually celebrates his birthday by going on a pilgrimage and he has thanked all his well-wishers for the love and support they have showered on him all these years. Arumugam, one of the fans, said it is commendable that at such an age he still has the enthusiasm to continue his profession.

"When we say superstar, it's big but in nature he is an easy man, but his speech and thoughts are big; so his fans are celebrating his 61st birthday happily, even at the age of 61 he is competing with young heroes, we feel happy about it," said Armugam.

Vaishnavi, another fan, said she wished the actor could act in some more films. "I am a big fan of Rajnikanth and I wish him the best on his sixty-first birthday, his acting is top class and we, the fans wish him the best to do more," said Vaishnavi.


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