Recently the city of joy—Kolkata had a wonderful date with Abhishek Bachchan, Deepika Padukone and Ashutosh Gowarikar as the trio had arrived the city to promote their upcoming film “Khelein Hum Jee Jaa Sey”.

The film is based on the Chittagong uprising against the British rule in India. In the film Abhishek plays the role of Surjya Sen and Deepika that of Kalpana Datta. The film is targeted not only towards the Indian audience but also for the audience in Bangladesh and Pakistan. The story of the film is based on Malini Chatterjee’s book Do and Die.

Gowarikar stated “When I read the book the first man came to my mind was Abhishek, I am fortunate that Abhishek is playing Surjya Sen and Deepika playing Kalpana.”He said further, “I tried to see the photographs of the revolutionaries while casting. I found that there is an uncanny resemblance between Kalpana’s picture and Deepika.”The film is slated to hit theatres on 3rd December.


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